Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday Squat Workout

Squat Workout

Plenty of free time today, so I was able to move up my first workout of the week from Monday to Sunday. With a couple of good meals and a decent sleep behind me, I was ready to start week 1 of a new squatting phase.

I have moved back to a narrow (shoulder width) squat stance for the next 3 weeks. This week I aimed for 3 sets of 6, and by week 3 I'll be down to my 2 rep max. Gym was quiet, no one was bugging me, and no music was playing - which is generally better than any selection the gym seems to offer.

1A) Narrow Squat (3x6)
1B) Power Shrug (3x6)

2A) Wide-Stance Good Morning (3x8)
2B) Standing Cable Crunch (3x20)

3A) Pistol (1x4)
3B) GHR on Ball (1x15)

That was it. Ran out of time.

Later today I'm going to slip in and buy some supplements. That's right, supplements.

I'm getting a little bored of some snack options, so I might buy some creatine, a box of bars and maybe even some protein powder or a meal replacemnet powder to go with the creatine. Its been a long time since I've used any supplements, so it will be all new to me again. I might decide against it...

I was trying to buy a box of Joe DeFranco's new bar from but he can't ship to Canada.

The main reason I am going is to get a bottle of probiotics from "Tree of Life". These come recommended to me by a friend. I've never tried them, so here we go.

I'm interested to hear what supplements everyone is using...send me an email or drop a line in the comments section. Tell me what has worked and what hasn't for you...



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