Friday, September 22, 2006

Mystery Muscle Exercises

Exercises for Your Workout

If you only train your mirror muscles, you lose out on a lot of fat burning power.

By mirror muscles I mean the chest, arms, abs, and quadriceps. Sure that's a lot of muscle, but it's not enough for best results...and only training these muscles could lead to injury.

It's likely the real fat burning power is in the back of the body. In your upper back, your lats, your glutes, and your hamstrings. That is probably more than 50% of your muscle mass back there...and you must take advantage of the metabolic boost it can offer.

Yet those muscles are trained by the exercises we often dislike. So we skip the dumbbell rows, the split squats, the romanian deadlifts, the inverted rows, etc., etc.

If that sounds like you, then change your ways.

You need to build the back of the body to build a healthier, better body. If you play sports, even at a recreational level, you'll play better when the back of your body is strong.

And those mystery muscles on the back of your body are almost always the ones that make the greatest impression on the opposite seks. And hey, tell me that isn't just a little-bitty, teeny-weeny reason you exercise?

So make these exercises your friend again - rows, lunges, db squats, back extensions on the ball, inverted rows, and even single-leg RDL's - all of these train the back of the give your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend something to look at as you walk away...and leave them with something to remember you by, even after you make a dazzling first impression with your abs.

Here's an example "Back of Your Body" workout routine that can be done at home with a bench, a ball, and dumbbells. Do 1-3 sets per exercise.

1A) DB Row (8 reps per set)
1B) Back Extension on Ball (15 reps)

2A) DB RDL (8 reps)
2B) DB Rear-Delt Raise (12 reps)

3A) DB Step-up (10 reps)
3B) Waiter's Bow (15 reps)

Make a good second impression,


P.S. That's a classic...
TT Workout. It burns fat, sculpts the body in the right places, and helps build strength that is applicable to everyday life. And you'll find more quick, effective fat loss workouts in the TT for Fat Loss manual HERE.

Of course, the best course of action to take is the TT Membership. You'll get body fat-burnin' workouts for men and women - and almost any age. Email me for your previous customer discount.

"I downloaded the TT membership over the weekend and after looking through all of the great programs and information, I just wanted to write and say thanks for all of the incredible information! My parents stopped by on Sunday, and after asking about what I'm doing to get in shape I told them about TT. Both are in pretty decent shape, in their early 60's. They usually walk for about an hour each morning, but that is about it for formal exercise. I gave them a copy of the Men's beginner guide to fat loss for dad, and the Simple Way to Lose Weight for mom. They have some free weights and a bench in a garage, and couldn't wait to get started!"
Jacob Gunnel

"The TT workouts are excellent! You have literally changed my life! I got completely burned out on single body part training and long periods of cardio. It just isn't conducive to my life given that I work full time and have a spouse. I'm already lean but I want to maintain a high level of health and have a fit, athletic look. I have to admit that I was skeptical because the workouts were so short, but even after the first workout my skepticism disappeared in a hurry. The time flies by at the gym and the workouts have eliminated a lot of stress because if I got stuck at work and couldn't get to the gym for "leg day" it would mess up my training schedule for the rest of the week. I also like having the option to do some body weight circuits plus I have a full range of dumbells and a ball at home so I can get my workouts in at home."
Janet M

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    CB, as always, you hit the mark exactly. I have been following TT again and am amazed at how much good it's doing. Even the simple act of walking up stairs is so much easier than before. My lower body strength has increased dramatically. I also notice that I'm the only one in the gym doing RDL's. I keep waiting for someone to come by and tell me I'm doing deadlifts wrong. The backs of my thighs and my glutes are always a little burned for several hours afterwards. Nice job, as always!
