Thursday, September 21, 2006

Muscle-Building Workouts

Muscle Building Workouts

Too many guys are going about it all wrong.

What am I talking about?

I'm referring to all of the guys (and even some of the gals) that email me asking how they can lose the last 5 or 10 pounds of fat.

But for most of these readers , losing weight is the last thing that they should be thinking about. In fact, by doing so, it will only make them look worse.

Specifically, I'm talking about any guy that is 5 feet 8 inches tall and only 150 pounds. Or any guy that is 6 feet tall and weighs less than 170 pounds. Or 5'4" and 130 pounds (5 pounds per inch either way).

The truth is, even if they succeed in their goal of losing weight, they will look darn close to anorexic, rather than looking ripped.

Heck, I'm 5'8, 190 pounds, and 9% body fat, and even I don't look that big on the beach. Don't believe me? Check out my photo HERE (scroll to the bottom of the page).

For almost all guys in this range, if they really want to look good on a beach, they are better off gaining muscle first, and then losing fat later.

So if you aren't sure what to do, chances are you need to gain mass.

Click HERE for my best TT for Muscle workout plan(and it's dirt cheap too)

Another common mistake?

Insisting on performing cardio or intervals when building muscle is your #1 short-term goal.

Listen, chill out. Your heart is not going to explode or your arteries clog up with grease just because you didn't do "cardio" for 8 weeks.

The TT for Muscle plan isn't exactly a sedentary lifestyle. You'll find out quickly how effective and challenging the workouts are...and if you try and add cardio - let alone intervals - on to that you might just be shooting yourself in the foot and miss your goals.

Helping you do things the right way,


P.S. When someone comes to me for mass...

They get the upper-lower, rest, upper-lower, rest, rest split. Four days of training. None of this 6-days a week, 1 body part per day. Heck, I've met guys that train biceps on one day - all by themselves! That's craziness. Inefficient at best, ineffective at worse.

Trust me. Use the TT for Muscle and you'll blow through your muscle gain plateaus and previous personal bests. And you'll get jacked-up strong at the same time.

Click HERE for my best TT for Muscle workout plan

"I have been a Turbulence Training Fanatic since I saw great results with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss. And when I needed to put on some mass there was no other place I would rather turn then Craig Ballantyne and his TT workouts. With the new Turbulence Training for Muscle program I am seeing WEEKLY gains in the size and strength departments. Something I have never experienced in the past. Once again one of Craig's programs is blowing me away with great results and in doing so getting me out of the gym in under an hour. I can't thank him enough. By the way I saw 20 lb gain on my deadlift today, more gains!!! I am loving it!"
Kevin Larrabee

workout, muscle

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