Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday's Chin-up & Bench Workout Routines

Workout Routines

Today was bittersweet. It was the final session with R.N., the female actress I have been training for the last 6 weeks. She finishes shooting her film today and flies back to LA on Wednesday.

While its sad that she is leaving, she leaves on a high note. She did her first chin-up ever today. And almost pulled off two in a row. Full chinups. From the bottom hang position. She's proud, and she should be.

Fortunately for all the ladies (and men) out there that have ever dreamt of doing a chin-up, I'll be putting together her workouts into a monthly TT workout that will be available on

Look for that in October or November.

We used almost nothing but bodyweight exercises to keep her "Hollywood" body, while at the same time building her strength to do the chinup.

After the session, I did my own workout. Today was bench day - and it was the start of a new 3-week training cycle.

1A) 3-Board Bench Press (3x5) - next week the reps will drop to 3
1B) Y's, T's, & Rear Delts (3x10)

2A) Pushups (3xMax)
2B) DB Row (3x12)

That's all i had time for. But I was gassed even with that. I miscalculated the weight on the bench, and used heavier than I had planned. But that's okay.

Great day in the gym,


workout routine

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