Saturday, September 02, 2006

Missed Workout Routine Due to Emergency Nutrition Consultation

Workout Routine & Nutrition Consultation

Yesterday I had to skip my squat workout routine...

On Thursday a studio exec called me to see if I would be available to consult with an actor that needed nutrition help for gaining mass.

I said sure. So on Friday, they called me during my 3pm session with a client and asked if I could be there for 5. Ouch, tight squeeze, but I said I could.

After struggling through Toronto's rush hour traffic to get there for 5pm, I then sat around for an hour waiting...which was okay, I understand things don't always go as planned on these sets.

But man, does anyone in the movie industry NOT smoke?

The assistant directors, the actors, and the rest of the crew, all puffing away. Nasty habit.

If you smoke, or know someone that does, you might want to try this comes recommended to me by Tom Venuto (

Quit Smoking Right Now

So that leaves me with a squat workout to fit in this morning after a client, but before i have to pick up some people at 1 to leave town for the long weekend. Should still be a good session.

Full squats,


workout routine nutrition consultation

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