Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mediocre Bench Workout

Bench Press Workout

Not as bad as yesterday, but still not a great workout. I just felt like I ran out of gas.

I also saw several exercises in the gym that are not worth your time...and these are:

a) behind-the-neck lat pulldowns
b) concentration curls
c) crunches

Exercise "a" might be dangerous, and even if it's not that bad for your rotator cuff, it's not any better than any other type of pulldown. So why bother with it?

Exercises "b" and "c" give you almost no bang for your buck. Your body won't change one way or the other, whether you do these exercises or not - in addition to the rest of your workout.

Now here's my workout...

1A) 3-Board Bench (4x2)
1B) Y's & T's, Rear-Delt Raises (3x12)

2A) DB Incline Press (3x8)
2B) DB Row (3x12)

3) Pushups (2xMax)

Thats it. One more workout tomorrow, then I am heading to Connecticut for a few days. Might train with a friend in New Jersey on Thursday.

I'll be posting directly from email to the blog all weekend though, in case I come across anything interesting.


workout, bench press, fat loss

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