Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Improve Your Cholesterol - Increase Your HDL

Cholesterol HDL

Chances are, you're concerned about your cholesterol - or someone else's - perhaps a client, a friend, or family member.

Let's take a look at how you can improve your good cholesterol (your HDL) and your health.
HDL guidelines from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology:

Recommended #'s for men: HDL above 40
For women: HDL above 50.

If your HDL is below those optimal numbers you want to do everything you can to get it up.

According to research, for every 1 percent that you raise your HDL cholesterol there's 2 percent reduction in cardiovascular risk for heart attacks and strokes from cardiovascular causes in men and a 3 percent reduction in women.

Take this example:
50-year-old man with an HDL of 36.

If HDL is increased to 40 (10% increase), it would give a 20 percent reduction in risk of getting cardiovascular disease.

Causes of low HDL:
a) Genetics (this generally comes with a family history of heart disease)
b) Smoking - do whatever you can to stop smoking.

Click HERE for the "Quit Smoking Right Now" program

c) Steroids - but I doubt anyone using TT is on steroids.

So how can you increase your HDL?

Dr. Al Sears gives the following 4 natural recommendations...

1. Exercise in intervals - at progressively higher intensity as you get used to it - for 20 minutes every other day.

2. Eliminate trans-fats from your diet. Cut out breaded/fried foods, commercially baked crackers and cookies, and anything containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable or soybean oil.

3. Increase your omega-3 fatty acids by adding fish oils, avocados, nuts, olives, and eggs to your diet.

4. Add fresh garlic to your meals as often as possible.

If you want more nutrition tips to help you lose fat and improve your health, get the TT for Fat Loss package and Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition Guidelines.

Click HERE to get started.

Pretty simple and straightforward steps,


P.S. By living the TT lifestyle, my HDL is extremely high...

In fact, my HDL was measured at 54, which is very high. This is due to the high-intensity exercise and nutrition that I use from Turbulence Training.

Click HERE to see the rest of my blood measurements and health screening to help you improve your health

cholesterol hdl

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