Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fat Loss Workout Q'n'A

Fat Loss Workout Q'n'A

Time to answer your fat loss workout questions. I look forward to answering your emails and getting you 1 step closer to success each workout.

Q: Hi Craig, Just one quick question. I much prefer the 45 second high intensity/90 second rest interval as opposed to the 2 minute/ 1min rest one. Could I do 30 second high intensity and one minute rest intervals instead of the 2minute/1minute ones? Which ones are more effective for fat loss?

Sometimes it is the things we hate that give the most results.

For me, I would love to forget that DB Rows, DB Split Squats, Front Squats with Chains, and Inverted Rows even existed, but these are just a few of the exercises that propel me to greater strength and overall improvement.

So I don't want to encourage you, or anyone for that matter, to drop something that they hate from their workout...because it probably is contributing to their success.

Now, having said that, nothing has been proven as the most effective interval system for everyone, or anyone for that matter. So feel free to try out different interval workouts. Give each workout at least 3 weeks to see if it works.

You can make that change now if you like since I know you have been using this interval system for a while, but don't neglect the workouts that are hardest for you. For your Interval program, get Turbulence Training.

Train hard, train consistent, and you'll succeed!

Q: I want to get a personal trainer certification for interest's sake, and for possible future employment. What do you suggest?

Well, there are many roads you could travel. I think the simplest (by that I mean most straightforward, not easiest or remedial) would be one of the two certificates offered by the NSCA. Either the CSCS or the CPT.

Paul Chek also offers an interesting line of certifications, with a large focus on health, nutrition, and lifestyle. Bring an open mind if you plan to go Paul's route:

For pure programming help, you might want Alwyn Cosgrove's program design manual, but it does not offer a certification. I strongly recommend it for all new trainers and any trainer that does not have a University education.

Click HERE for Cosgrove's program design manual - without a doubt it is the Industry's best

Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck to you. This world needs more people to help in the fight against fat.

Q: How do fitness models get their bodies and keep their bodies in such great shape?

Check out this blog post where I talk about what some of the fitness models I've talked to are doing to get and keep their bodies in shape. It might come as a surprise. There are however, 2 basic steps to getting a great body you can maintain for decades.

Click HERE to find out more

*****And now to finish off with some Q'n'A that I've stolen from Christian Finn's newsletter.

To sign-up for Christian's research-based fitness newsletter, visit his site "The Facts About Fitness" here

Recently Christian has been interviewing Lyle McDonald, a controversial fat loss expert.

Personally, I'm impressed with Lyle's grounded knowledge and answers...his info is "no B.S." and straight to the point, science-based, and just plain honest. (Lyle also has his own newsletter packed full of Q'n'A from

Here's a couple of Lyle's Q'n'A that I wanted to pass along from Christian's newsletter.
Click HERE and make sure you sign up for Christian's newsletter so that you don't miss the next issue!

Q. I am 27 years of age and weigh 10 stone. Although I am skinny, I do have a bit of a belly. I want to bulk up and put some muscle on but just to look good not to be a body builder. Please give me some advice.

This is another pet peeve of mine. It never ceases to amuse me that, when so many guys are desperately trying to get huge, some people are concerned that a little training will turn them into a behemoth overnight.

Nobody magically wakes up HUGE looking like a bodybuilder. When you gain as much muscle as you want, you simply quit trying to gain anymore. So find a good basic training program, something like Hypertrophy Specific Training or something.

(CB note: Or the new TT for Muscle 8-Week Workout)

Q. How can I get my stomach fat to disappear after my third pregnancy? My first two were normal deliveries but the third was a C-section and my mid-section is completely shot! Even my friends have asked me what happened to my six-pack?!? PLEASE HELP!

Due to the C-section, your abdominal muscles were physically cut and the pooch you're seeing has nothing to do with body fat and everything to do with damage to the muscles. That I know of, there's not much that can be done. Maybe some type of elective plastic surgery. I'd make sure and blame your kids for this when they get old enough.

Q. Can most women achieve single digit body fat just as well with a diet that includes higher carbohydrates on a daily basis, as opposed to a diet that includes lower carbohydrate days, assuming that activity levels are high enough to burn the calories?

Single digit body fat for women is generally only achieved by elite athletes and dieting bodybuilders, and they do it through a combination of caloric restriction and extreme amounts of exercise.

The thing is this; it's not particularly healthy under most conditions for a female to maintain that level of body fat. Estrogen production is lost and problems with bone density and overall health occur.

Many women also find that high-carbohydrate diets make it very difficult to lose body fat from the lower parts of the body. This is part of why so many female bodybuilders end up with ripped upper bodies and fat hips and thighs.

Q. I'm an ex-powerlifter just asking some for some advice on how to cut body fat. I'm taking Lipo-6, which I plan to stack with CLA and 100% Whey Protein. I'm really trying to cut back on the waistline. Three days a week, I try one hour of strength training and one hour of cardio. Should I be trying more or less of one or the other?

That's fine for training. CLA is basically worthless and watching your diet (total calorie intake) is going to be more important than any supplement. All the training in the world won't reduce your body fat if your diet isn't in order.

No B.S. and straight to the point, that's how we like it!

Click HERE and make sure you sign up for Christian's newsletter so that you don't miss the next issue!

Always searching for more fat loss experts to help you reach your goals,


fat loss workout

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