Monday, August 07, 2006

Your Workout Routine Questions Answered

Your Workout Routine Questions Answered

Thanks for all of your are the most important TT Q'n'As for the week...

Q: I'm a little confused. Should I be splitting up my workout and doing TT one day and the intervals the next, or do I do it all in one day in a every other day workout routine? Does it matter?


Thanks for the email.

I wrote Turbulence Training as a 3-day per week, 45-minutes per session program, allowing men and women to get both their strength training and interval training finished in the same workout.

The purpose was to 'free' everyone from the long, slow workout know, having to go to the gym 5 days per week for 90 minutes per workout.

So the original plan called for both the strength and intervals to be done on the same day. Thus, giving you more off days.

However, even on your off-days, you should get 30 minutes of activity for health purposes.

Along the way, some men and women have split the TT workouts so that they alternate days of strength training and interval training.

So far, the verdict is still out on whether one approach is more effective.

The real answer on whether you should split your training simply demands on your lifestyle and time commitments.

Q: How big is serving of vegetables?

I don't think it really matters. There aren't a lot of people who are eating "too many" vegetables. So we should simply all strive to get more (not vegetables cooked in butter or oil, or deepfried, of course).

Since most of the TT readers are enjoying summertime, it should be very easy for all of us to get at least 5 servings of vegetables per day (and the truth is, it doesn't take a lot of food to constitute a serving).

Get at least 5, but preferably closer to 10 servings of vegetables per day.

Q: I'm have enjoyed learning about your programs! I am 37 and am around 13% body fat. I am very busy in with work and family. What would you recommend as the best workout for me to do at home to be all alround fit? My wife needs the same and is just as busy. We no longer go to the gym because of the extra drive time but want ot train at home together to motivate each other. Thanks.

Thanks for your email. As long as you have dumbbells at home, then both you and your wife will benefit from the Turbulence Training e-book manual available here, from the Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout Routines home page

There are bonus bodyweight workouts for her if she wants to start there, or she can start with the beginner workouts in the TT manual. Let me know if you have additional questions. Have a great day.

Turbulence Training is for men AND women,


P.S. Don't forget...The Fat Loss Wars...

Here's a classic interview from the TT files...Click here for the Fat Loss Wars: CB vs. Cosgrove

Find out the injury rate that often occurs in the first 6-weeks of an aerobic training...and better methods for your fat loss programs...

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