Thursday, August 10, 2006

Workout Routine Confusion

I beg your forgiveness.

Sometimes when I write things, they seem very clear to me...but when I get the same question every week, I know that I've screwed up...

So first, let me apologize for not making myself clear in the TT programs...

And now, let me clear the confusion..

Common Question #1: I'm confused by the workout structure. It says (for example):A1) Squat (3x8)A2) Row (3x8)

Do I do:

a) 3 sets of squats and then 3 sets of rows and then rest?
b) 1 set of squats, then 1 set of rows, then rest, and then repeat for a total of 3 supersets?

This is the most common question I get about my workout structure. And again, I apologize.

The correct answer is option b.

So your workout will look like this...

A1) Squat x 8 reps
move immediately to:
A2) Row x 8 reps
A1) Squat x 8 reps
move immediately to:
A2) Row x 8 reps
A1) Squat x 8 reps
move immediately to:
A2) Row x 8 reps
Then move to the NEXT superset.

The "3" in the (3x8) indicates the number of supersets.

I hope that makes everyone's workouts go a little smoother...

Common Question #2:
I have read your "
Dark Side of Cardio" report and you've intrigued me. I have a question for you. Honestly, will this program work for women? And will it work for a woman who is considerably over weight?

I'll let Terri Stuckey of Ohio answer this one...

"Last night, a male friend of ours called to talk to my husband. My husband wasn't home so we chatted and he said to me "I've got to tell you when I saw you at my sons birthday party I thought to myself, Wow, man she looks terriffic!" He asked me how much weight I had lost and I told him I had lost 32lbs. Everywhere I go, people who I haven't seen in a long time see me and are shocked at my transformation. That, my friend, is what keeps me going to the gym even when I don't want to.

For a 37 year old, married, mother of 4 to hear that she looks "hot" or "terriffic" is the ultimate compliment! Your program has completely changed me. I have tone muscles in places I never thought would be tone again! Thank you for your sincere dedication to those of us who want to make a difference in our lives. I wish you lived in my hometown!"
Terri Stuckey, Ohio

Click HERE to give Turbulence Training a no-risk try today.

And all I was just going to say was, "Yes, it does work for women",


P.S. Will you fill out this survey?

I've been asked by a few people if I have DVD's for Turbulence Training.

Is that something you would like?

Yes or no, click HERE to fill out the DVD survey. It will help me determine whether or not the need is out there for Turbulence Training DVD's.

Thanks - CB

Workout Routine Confusion

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