Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tuesdays' Workout

Muscle-building workout

Monday was a holiday here in I had both Sunday and Monday off from structured training. Lots of walks with the dog though and general moving around.

You should never have a day when you are completely sedentary.

I remember as a kid reading an old Men's Health magazine, and the workout article said that on Sunday, you should put your feet up, and do absolutely no exercise, and even order in your pizza.

But that approach and mindset has fallen as far as general fitness and fat loss go. You should be moving for at least 30 minutes everyday...

And if you are an athelte, you should be using this activity wisely as active recovery.

Gone are the days of making an excuse to lie around.

Back to my workout, done with my buddy, a pro strength coach

1) Push Press (worked up to 3 sets of 1)

2) DB Chest Press (3x8)

3A) Wide-grip Seated Row (4x8)
3B) Y's & T's (4x12)

4) Rear-delt DB Lateral Raise (2x10) =====> pictured above

Nothing revolutionary here...just the basics from my Turbulence Training for Mass program


muscle-building workout

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