Tuesday, August 01, 2006

TT Q'n'A

Into the mailbag today...and then tomorrow, my transformation!

Q: Thanks so much for the Bodyweight workouts. How I do use the bodyweight Turbulence Training workouts in my regular Turbulence Training workout schedule?

The bodyweight workout can be used in many ways.

You can devote an entire 4-week block to the bodyweight traning workouts, or use them during the Advanced TT workouts (simply alternate one dumbbell workout with one bodyweight workout).

I guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of so-called "simple bodyweight exercises".

Q: Hi Craig, just sending in an update. Things have been going well with the exercise. Can't say that for the nutrition part. I have a quick question, I exercise in the am, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours after I get up. Should I have breakfast before that? I'm usually ravenous afterward. And I've been hearing things about not eating 2-3 hours before bed. Any validity about that?

To get your nutrition on track, you need to start tracking your food immediately.

Write it all down on fitday.com, or in a spreadsheet, or even just on a piece of paper. You need to see that this is holding you back. As for pre-exercise, yes, you can have some breakfast before exercise.

You should in fact, according to the TT guidelines. And for eating at night, if you have eaten all your calories for the day, then stop eating - it's that simple.

The biggest thing that the "not eating for 2-3 hours before bed" rule does is that it stops people from eating junk at night in front of the TV. In that way, it is extremely helpful.

Q: What do you think of sandbag training?

Sandbags are excellent. Do you know how to make your own?

If you want a great resource for sandbag training, I suggest the Ultimate Sandbag Training DVD from Rex Laughlin.

I have it and it's great...there are over 80 sandbag exercises in this video. The variety will amaze you. Killer stuff too, as the sandbags will come in handy for home workouts and are fun and challenging as well.

It also comes with instructions to make your own sandbags.

After you watch it, you'll see how to use it in your TT workouts. You can just sub sandbags in place of dumbbells for many moves. A perfect fit!

Click here to get your Sandbag Training DVD

Q: Thanks again for your TT package, it's awesome. Today, i was checking my food intake and all is going great, but i found that the peanut butter i use has partially hydrogenated oil. Is that bad? should i stop use it?

I've heard that the peanut butter has many benefit such: raise your testosterone levels, etc... Is that true? Please, let me know. Thanks.

Yes, regular peanut butter should be avoided because it will contain trans-fats and sometimes sugar.

You want peanut butter with just one ingredient: Peanuts.

Nothing else.

Fortunately, most major labels are now also making 'natural' peanut butter (aka - just made from peanuts).

As for peanut butter increasing testosterone levels, I'm not buying that...

The reason for the suggestion is the healthy fats found in peanut butter, but put it this way, no one, not even Justin Gatlin, is going to fail a drug test because they have too much testosterone due to their peanut butter consumption.

Q: First, let me say how much I appreciate your timely replies and advice. This is the first program I've been on that allows access to the author himself, which I believe is an invaluable asset.

I hate to take up more of your time but I have another question if you'd indulge me. As I stated in a previous message, I'm already seeing results after being on TT for about 10 days now; the workouts are fun, efficient and challenging (to say the least!).

Here's my predicament, I am training for my first amateur kickboxing match in September. I believe TT is the best avenue to reach my goals but my coach insists on 3-5 mile runs 2-3 times a week to work on my endurance. In addition to this, 2-3 sparring sessions per week are required for all of his fighters. How can I accommodate this schedule and NOT lose muscle? Is this an either/or issue? Do I have to choose between looking great or being fit (for fighting)? I really don't want to lose too much lean tissue, but I am in need of the things my coach has demanded! Please help!

Stick with the lifting that is in the Turbulence Training program.

The sets and reps are arranged to provide maximum stimulation to the muscle so that you gain muscle, or at the very least, maintain muscle.

Follow-up your workouts with a protein-rich, post-workout drink immediately after training. In theory, this is the best approach to muscle maintenance.

For more info, click HERE for Pro Nutrition Help

Q: I would like to buy your 4-week training programme for women, but am concerned as to whether you need to belong to a gym to fully benefit from it. I notice that some bodyweight exercises are included, but would it be possible to do this programme - and get results - without going to a gym. I would particularly like to buy this on the wonderful special offer which you've made available until Wednesday. If you can answer me before then, I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks for the email and interest.

The workouts in the new monthly workout for women are all home-based, using only dumbbells, bodyweight exercises, and ball exercises...so you'll need a bench, a ball, and dumbbells. That's it. No gym membership needed.

Let me know if anyone has any additional questions,


P.S. Don't forget...
The price for the new monthly workout jumps up on Wednesday at 9pm. Get it for less than 10 dollars today.
Click here to get the new TT for Women 4-week Workout Program

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