Thursday, August 24, 2006

Soft Drinks & Obesity: Soda Causes Fat Gain

Soda Increases Obesity

Years ago my friends use to joke whenever they would see a person order a Big Mac Meal and then top it off with a diet coke.

"Like that makes a difference," they thought. After all, the average customer going this route was always overweight.

To be honest, I didn't think it helped their cause after...

But now, research suggests that these people might even be much fatter if they had stuck with the regular soda, instead of subbing in the diet version.

Click HERE to read a summary of the diet soda research from Dr. Mercola

Now I'm not recommending a steady intake of diet soda, heck no. We all know what I recommend for nutrition.

Perhaps its time for you to give all sodas (or "pop" as we call it here in Canada) the heave-ho,


soda obesity

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