Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mile Part 9

When I was a kid, I used to do a lot of stupid things.

Today was no exception.

My best friend and I decided to run a couple of 100 meter sprints, and then follow that up with a timed mile. At noon. Under the hot sun.

There was no reasoning for doing this, we just wanted to test ourselves. Theoretically, its bad workout programming...but sometimes kids just do silly things, right?

But at least we warmed up properly.

Ran the first 100 meters sub-13 seconds. That's okay I guess. I attribute the decent time to my high strength levels and to my decent technique.

Ran the second in 13 flat or so.

Then after a couple of minutes, we went into a mile.

This was my first mile outside on a track, with no treadmil to pace myself or to help me along...

And even though my legs were already fatigued from the sprints, and my heartrate hadn't recovered from the last sprint, I was still able to do the mile in 6:17.

I'm just happy I didn't quit. Because I was ready to quit after 50 meters. But I sucked it up..but boy was I dying when I finished. After about 10 minutes I was back to normal.

My legs weren't that tired, it still seems to be more of an oxygen delivery limitation to my performance.

Smarter training next week,


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