Saturday, August 12, 2006

Leg Workout Routine

Lower Body Workout Routine

Pretty solid Saturday morning workout routine.

Saddest thing I saw in the gym...A guy using the elliptical machine but not holding on to the hand rails.

As if that is going to make a difference...if you don't know my opinion on the elliptical machine, let me just say, I think they are relatively ineffective for fat loss.

Also, I don't understand spinning classes. Why would anyone want to be yelled at by a 120 lb guy in stretch pants? It's semi-disturbing. And inefficient compared to "do-it-yourself" interval training.

Those are my comments, now here is my workout:

1A) Front Squat (3x8)
1B) Back Ext on Ball (3x20)

2A) Deadlift (3x15)
2B) Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated (3x8)

3) Shrug (4x8)

Good, and quick.


lower body workout routine

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