Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Home Gym Secrets Teleseminar - Message from Kyle

Home Gym Secrets

a message from Kyle Battis...

"There's no place like home, there's no place like home!" Old Dorothy from the 'Wizard of OZ' said it best didn't she?


There really is no place like home and I think the same holds true whenit comes to your workouts too. Whether you have a small apartmentwith a couple dumbbells or a garagegym filled with a sQuat Rack and other fun toys like I do, home gym training is a great way to stay lean and fit


You can always get in a workout onceyou train your mind to 'look' for mini-workout opportunities at home. No matter how crazy life gets you canalways fit in a workout because you don't need to drive to the gym...

Other benefits I really like are saving money on a gym membership, listening to the music I want to listen to (thank goodness no moreChristina Agulera!), I can listento my music as loud as I want, I can train the way that I want to train without worrying about making too much noise or having other gym goers stare at me. The benefits of home gym training aretruly awesome and too good to pass up:


There are a ton more too and Craig andI will be sharing them with you on Thursday. The call is overflowing at this point so if you want any chance of getting in click you Ruby Red heels together,say firmly, "There's no place likehome," and go sign up RIGHT NOW if you haven't already!


Talk soon,--Kyle Battis

PS-There really are some tremendous benefits to home gym training and beingable to stick to a consistent schedule isa major benefit! Have you ever been so busy you couldn't make it to the gym? If so, then you NEED to listen to this call so that you can learn about the 'contingency' home training plan!


home gym

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