Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fun Workouts for Fat Loss

Why My Workouts Are "No Fun"

First, let me just say that I'm having a devil of a time trying to return emails to AOL accounts.

They are all getting if you are waiting for a reply from me, now you know why...try me with another address if you have one or email me at

Now, onto why ol' CB is no fun.

Apparently, according to the workouts and training methods described by other trainers, I'm just not offering enough "fun" exercises, like standing on BOSU balls or wobble boards or balalncing on stability balls.

I guess I'm too busy and too concerned with putting efficient and effective exercises into my training programs.

Heck, I'm surprised anyone still trains with me anymore, considering all the fun they could be having standing on one leg for 30 seconds to "improve" their balance.

So if you don't want a serious, fat-blasting workout, then run, don't walk, as fast as you can away from me and my Turbulence Training workouts. Because, silly me, I've designed my workouts to get results, not smiles.

Why just yesterday I had a client go through the following no-fun workout routine. Surprisingly, she didn't quit halfway through, or fire me on the spot. Maybe she's just as serious about results as I am.

Overhead Squats with Broomstick
Incline Pushups
Beginner Bodyweight Rows

Followed by Supersets, 3 sets of each:

1A) 1-Leg Deadlift (8-10 reps)
1B) Eccentric Chinups (3 reps of 5-seconds on the lowering phase)

2A) Good Morning (8 reps)
2B) Full Pushups (5 reps - that's her max with good form - although that is pretty good, considering she had never done push-ups in her training prior to starting with me 3 weeks ago)

3A) Step-ups (15 per side)
3B) Stability Ball Ab Curl holding Med Ball Behind Head (12 reps)

4A) Back Extension on Ball (12 reps)
4B) Spiderman Lunge (8 reps per side)

A perfect 45-minute bodysculpting workout,


P.S. This your idea of fun?

Then grab the 4-Week TT for Women program HERE

You only have until the end of August to get the Turbulence Training for Women 4-Week Workout Report.

On September 1, its gone.

Click HERE to get this combination bodyweight-dumbbell home based workout for women

Or better, upgrade to your TT Membership.

"I have to say that it is one of the best workout plan I ever come across. I have many exercise dvds ranging from walking, dancing, weights to kickboxing stuff but none as good as this one even without any dvd visual. I can feel the whole body being worked out. The most obvious is the tummy being worked out without even me realising it and the workouts are not that tedious or real difficult.However, the best is yet to come. I have knee joint problem for some time due to kickboxing routine exercises i have done in the past. Just before I started the TT exercises, my knees were so sore and I could not squat down without pain and stiffness. I thought I would not be able to do the TT exercises but surprise!
After the first workout, my knee stiffness was not so severe and after the 4th workout, I could squat down and get up fairly easily now. Although the knees are not completely flexible yet, I am sure if I continue with the exercises, it would help them tremendously.
I guess the weight bearing exercises do wonders to the knee joints. I hope this information could be shared with people who read your forum so that they can benefit from the exercises too.Thank you so much Craig for coming up with these wonderful workout."

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