Thursday, August 31, 2006

Female Fitness Workout Routines

Female Fitness Workout Routines

Some of you have asked about one of my other projects, It is a site for female fitness and workout routine info. We cover not only female athletes, but female fat loss. Both Brad Pilon (The Muscle-Insider) and I write for - as well as other people we interview, such as Mike Boyle, Rachel Cosgrove, and pro female athletes.

Here's more info...

What is a grrlAthlete?

Strength through knowledge. This is our motto and we really like it, but sometimes we feel that we have to explain the concept of grrlAthlete in a little more depth than just a simple motto. To personify the typical grrlathlete is simple.

A grrlAthlete is any woman who feels a need to further their understanding of training so that they can reach their goals. They don't have to be the next starter on the Olympic hockey team and they don't have to be the strongest girl in the gym. In fact, the true grrlathlete is the girl who looks at the chin up bar and thinks, " I'm going to do a chin up", and then develops a plan to accomplish her goal.

We also want to ask you, "who is your favorite female athlete?"…Go ahead, think about it, maybe she is an Olympic medallist, a WNBA star or maybe a girl on your team. Got her name in your head? Good. Now here's another question for you, "did you notice anything odd about that question?" Probably not, but you should have.

Did you notice we didn't ask you who your favorite athlete was? While it seemed like a simple question, it implied that female athletics is still a sub-category of athleticism in general. Female athletes, whether they are recreational or elite athletes, seem to be classified with lower expectations.

The most glaring example of this is the "girl push-up". When the boys in your high-school gym class were tested on their ability to do regular push-ups, the girls were asked to do push-ups on their knees! Let's look at another example - magazine articles in female fitness magazines that totally ignore the benefits of strength!

The average workout in any mainstream women's fitness publication calls for 2-3 sets of 20-25 reps of any given exercise, with ultra light weights. While this type of exercise can increase muscular endurance, it isn't the best program for the goals of an athlete.

Athletes, whether they are male or female, also need strength & power! These articles also ignore females who are working out simply for strength, and not just for sport performance. All of these readers are still being swayed to the side of 'toning' by the mainstream media.

This is why we created Our goal is to create an online source of training information, research articles and interviews with women who are positive role models for the female athlete who is looking to improve and develop a deeper understanding of training. These readers are the grrlAthletes of the world.

With this in mind, feel free to search through our archives of different exercise programs, exercise illustrations and research articles. Hopefully, you will find information that will assist you in the development of your goals, whether they are for strength, sport performance, or simply just for the sake of knowledge, because knowledge is strength, and strength is good.

Click here to sign up for the free newsletter


female fitness workout routines


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  8. do strenuous cardio exercise before lifting weights, because this will make you too weak to work out at maximum effort.
