Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Booze & Fat Loss

Alcohol and fat loss and fat burning

Here's a popular topic...

"Can I still build a 6-pack if I drink a couple of glasses of __ (insert booze here) on the weekends?"

"How bad is alcohol on your fat loss efforts? How much is too much?"

"I've heard 2 or more drinks per day shuts down fat loss."

"Can I drink and still get lean?"

So what is the answer to these many fat-burning, booze-swillin' questions?

First, let's make sure that you understand I am not addressing the issue of alcohol on health.
Personally, I think the research is a little confusing in terms of how many drinks are healthy per day for men and women.

I don't recommend that you start drinking just because you hear a soundbite on the news that a drink per day is good for your health.

Now back to fat loss...

Which is again, another complicated topic.

To be honest, I have clients that binge drink on weekends and still have their abs (although I've successfully convinced them to binge less often and with less intensity).

On the other hand, I've had clients and good friends that have never been able to see their abs, and it's likely the result of their weekend social drinking.

The best Turbulence Training clients are the ones that don't let the booze get in the way of their fitness goals.

AND...the poor nutrition choices that go along with drinking and drinking environments.

I know that if the second group of people gave up drinking for 4-6 weeks, they could reach their goals.

So, the bottom line:

Alcohol is similar to almost every other cheat food.

And, as my examples show, every individual will respond differently.

The only way to find out how alcohol impacts your fat loss is to keep a strict nutrition log that details all of your food intake and your alcohol intake.

I recommend you do this for 3 weeks straight.

In addition, during this time I recommend that you consume absolutely NO alcohol. Don't change anything else about your lifestyle. Just drop alcohol for 3 weeks straight.

Then you'll know exactly how alcohol impacts your body.

In fact, this is the exact approach that I would recommend to anyone that wants to know how anything affects their body.

Want to know how increasing your protein affects your body?

Just record everything you eat and how you train for 3 weeks, and make only one change to your lifestyle (increasing your protein intake), and you'll know exactly how this impacts your body.

You are your own best research study.

And I truly believe that 3 weeks is enough time to determine whether something "works" or doesn't work for fat loss.

But anytime you do this study, you can only change ONE variable at a time.

So don't start taking three different supplements at a time and then say that they all worked to help you lose fat...because you can't honestly come to that conclusion.

But back to the booze...

After your 3-weeks of no-booze, you'll probably feel a lot better, you'll be sleeping better (alcohol messes up your sleep stages), and you'll be leaner. I can almost guarantee that.

There is no doubt that alcohol slows fat burning, inhibits protein synthesis, increases your calorie intake, and lowers your food inhibitions.

How much each of these 4 factors affects you personally is up to you to find out!

If you think booze is preventing you from reaching your goals, then start your own personal research study!

Let's hear what you have to say about booze and body fat,


P.S. So how do you fight the fat-battle against the bottle?

With all the programs you could ever need, of course.

Think of how quickly you can spend $97-$197 on booze. If you are a bar or a restaurant with friends, it adds up. I've watched friends spend that in a night.

But for the same price, you can get months and years worth of fat loss workouts, including workouts for bodyweight, women, athlete, and muscle-building...all for 1 low price (and even lower for previous customers...).

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"Thanks Craig, the Membership is great. Never have I seen anything like this. I have already downloaded Get Lean and Beginner Fat Loss Tips and glanced through them, some really good stuff. I'm planning on printing out most of these and having a "CB" section in my fitness library." Keith Suthammanont, Brooklyn

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Dr. Shayne Ladak
Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
McMaster University

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