Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bodybuilding Myth

Bodybuilding Myth

Ever since the golden age of body building (the late 60's) people have been doing typical high-volume body building workouts. Why? Because they were told this is the only way to train.

A typical "Arnold" body building workout involves a "body part split". You work one or two specific body parts a day, and only work that body part once per week. That leaves you in the gym 5 to 6 times a week (and often for 90 minutes a session).

And since this type of routine gets the most attention in bodybuilding magazines every month (and even in women's fitness magazines), it is the type of routine that almost everyone still follows, even today.

But has anyone ever stopped to think, is this the best way to workout?

Think of it this way. Our main goal is to be strong and lean. In general, most grrlAthlete readers aren't too concerned with having 16 inch arms, but just want to be stronger, leaner and more athletic.

And the truth is, bodybuilding programs just aren't the best way to achieve these goals.
A little known fact is that when bodybuilders are preparing for a contest and are trying to get lean they will cut their calories drastically, and add up to 2 hours a day of cardio!

Is this optimal?

No way. Who has this amount of time to spend in the gym, 6 days per week?

Not us. Not you. Not even the trainers in your gym.

Any routine that requires you to spend up to three hours a day in the gym and follow drastic diet to get results, is just not optimal.

But with efficient and effective routines like Turbulence Training and ShapeShift, you can become stronger and leaner, while spending way less time in the gym. This is because these programs were designed for this specific purpose.

These programs contain only the best exercises and workout schedules that help you get the most results in the least amount of time, so that you can create a strong, lean body.

So, if you haven't already, ditch the bodybuilding approach. No more arms only workouts, or chest-training days - and try a program that was designed to be efficient and effective.

CLICK HERE to get leaner, stronger and more athletic with our real-world line of workout manuals.

Helping you avoid wasted-time in the gym,

The Team at

female bodybuilding

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