Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Best Time of Day to Workout

Best Time of Day for Workout Routine

Here's part 2 of my interview with physique coach, Mike Zappitelli...

Mike has walked the walk when it comes to being a personal trainer. He's a CSCS, a massage therapist, certified in Acupuncture, and on and on and on.Mike's a champion natural bodybuilder (the best way to be), and he's recently helped a team of men and women from the Niagara Falls area dominate the scene.

Let's find out how...

CB: Mike, let's hit the advanced fat loss scene. You've just worked with a great team that destroyed the competition at FAME (a physique contest in Toronto). Having helped both men and women, what are the major differences for success in each?

MZ: Well Craig, gender was the major difference.

Men were able to develop more muscle mass and get leaner come showtime in comparison to the women. No real breakthrough info there, sorry.

However, we did have a great turnout from the women this year. From 3 weeks up to the show, a lot of changes started to develop.

Aside from the gender, the major differences that I have noticed, not particularly in this group, but just over the years are discipline and attitude. Some just want to achieve more than others and realize the work that has to go into it.

The commitment from this year's group was amazing and their attitude towards the whole approach was excellent.

Negative attitudes were none existent this year. The whole team was surrounded by positive people who all supported one another. It's really amazing how attitude can affect you positively or negatively, when striving for your goals.

CB: I've always said that social support has a huge impact on fat loss success. How much cardio were these people doing? How different is that vs. the off-season? Do you use intervals?

MZ: It is difficult to observe what the team is doing on a daily basis.

Programs were developed with a theoretical approach for the team as a whole and then tweaked for each individual based on there lifestyle and schedules.

Interval training was emphasized more than just straight cardio. We used cardio for recovery days.

Some responded very well to the training regime while others had to put a little more time into it.

For example, we had some members that didn't have to do any cardio, while others were there twice a day!

CB: Have you found that there is a best time of day to train for fat loss?

MZ: I am more of an advocate training in the a.m. (7am-10am). For the average individual, this is a great 'pick-me-up' time and also seems to set a precedent for the rest of the day for most in terms of eating well and having good habits.

If you happen to 'fall off the track' that day, then you can still do a second workout later (if you wanted).

You have to keep in mind that bodybuilding, figure, fitness individuals are of a different mindset that your average person who goes to the gym to just get a workout in. This is their life and they are so fine-tuned that they will do whatever it takes stick with a program and achieve the results they desire.

So, as for the best time?...I guess in the end, Craig, whenever you can get in to complete your session for that particular day.

CB: Awesome info...and finally, what tips do you have for contestants on show day, or just for the general population wanting to look good for one specific day...such as a wedding or even a date?

MZ: This question is so hard to answer for liability reasons. Show preparation is not at every day habit to follow as we manipulate food and water intake.

For the general population, you achieve amazing results with just changing what you put in your body. Having a nutritional habit consisting of unrefined foods can have an impact on you in as little as 1-2 weeks.

People who tend to eat processed/refined foods tend to have more water retention causing the bloated feeling in your lower abdomen. This can be cleared up by cleaning up your nutritional intake.

Hope this helps!

CB: Great stuff Mike. Thanks so much. If readers have any questions they want to ask Mike, feel free to write in and I'll have Mike answer them in a future newsletter.

It's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it and you have the support of others,


P.S. Mike is a mass monster...

And the workouts I've done with Mike helped me formulate my TT for Mass workout plan.
With this plan I've been able to create additional mass monsters...such as these ones HERE.

P.P.S. TT members announcement...
If you joined the TT Member's program last summer, your membership is up for renewal. If you haven't received an email from me, please contact me ASAP before your membership runs out...there's a big addition coming to the member's section in September...
Click here for a sneak-peek of September's program...

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