Sunday, August 06, 2006

7-Day Guide: Ab Exercise Tip of the Week

Ab Exercise Tip of the Week

We might be running up on the end of summer, but I still think you can make some impressive changes for your abs by Labor stay consistent and stick with it.

Now more tips from your weekly 7-day guide to success...

Do your regularly scheduled TT workout. And use this ab exercise tip of the week...

If you want to increase the challenge of your ab training (i.e. in planks, jackknives, chops, etc.), do you ab training after some serious interval training.

Serious interval training will tax your abs and other muscles involved in breathing (as well as those involved in maintaining a stable pelvis while running fast).

So when you do your abs, all ab exercises will be about 30% harder. Good times.

30 minutes of activity. I've lost count of the number of times I've trained and worked under the hot sun during the hottest times of the day...but I don't recommend it.

Don't do this.

If you are going to exercise outside, make sure to do so in the morning or in the evening.

Personally, I think exercising outside in the early morning is something everyone should experience. It's calm, beautiful, and it feels like the world is yours! (Probably because everyone else is still under the covers).

TT workout.

Here's a tip from a reader, Greg L., about improving the efficiency of your home workouts...

"If you don't have access to a set of fixed dumbbells or powerblock type adjustable dumbbells, get two sets of handles and set them up to do both stages of your superset. It's not a perfect solution but it allows you to finish the superset in the proper amount of time as it is laid out"

30 minutes of activity. Martial arts are very popular these days. Have you ever heard of Krav Maga? Check out this article on a very popular martial art for men and women:

TT workout. It's Friday and you have the weekend to recover. So stay focused and have the best workout of the week tonight. You'll benefit from an elevated mood, better sleep, and great start to the weekend.

30 minutes of activity, check in with your social support group. And remember, don't set limits on yourself.

For more training info on female training beyond their "so called" limits, check out the training info here:

Plan, shop, and prepare.

Here are a couple of Cookbooks recommended by members last week...

1) Stellas Kitchen (although a lot of recipes contain artificial sweeteners, which you should probably stay away from).

2) Pump Energy

3) Nourishing Traditions

If you have others, let me know.

NOTE: If anyone has any vegetarian cookbook recommendations, they would be greatly appreciated.

Share your tips,


P.S. TT Members get more

If you want more TT workouts, TT for Women, TT for athletes, or even more TT for Mass, as well as my other female specific e-books, make sure you check out the TT Membership area here. Previous customers get $100 off the regular price.

"I must tell you that The TT Membership Pass has helped me tremendously not only for myself but as a personal trainer. I have purchased a lot of books, workout programs, etc., and your programs are awesome! I know I've told you this before but you definitely over deliver on all of your programs. The Membership was by far the BEST investment I ever made!...honestly. Thank you so much for making this available."

Georgette Pann, CPT,CSN,LPTA

Check out the TT Membership area here:

ab exercise

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