Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Your Motivation Tips

Thanks to everyone for their emails and ideas on how my readers and clients can save money on their grocery bill. This is very important for people with families that want to lose fat.

So my next question to you is..."How do you stay motivated?'or even..."How did you motivate yourself to finally get started on your fat loss program?"

I ask because the 2nd biggest obstacle to starting and sticking to a fat loss program is the lack of motivation. (Lack of time being number 1 reason for dropping out).Here are some additional questions to help you help others through your experiences...

· What motivates you?· How do you stay motivated?

· If the wheels fall off your program, so to speak, what motivates you to get back on track?

· If you had to start over from scratch, knowing what you know now, what would you differently?

· How has your motivation changed over the years & with experience?

· What sources of motivation have been most effective for your clients?

· How do you handle major disappointments?

· How do you handle threats to your motivation?

· What motivational mistakes do you see other people making?

· Motivational stories?

As always, many, many thanks for your help.


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