Sunday, July 23, 2006

World Gut 2006

World Cup 2006 may have ended 2 weeks ago, but the World Gut continues to grow.

While it seems that the media insists on labeling obesity as a North American problem, here are the summaries of 4 studies from around the world that I reviewed this morning:
  • Italian children, aged 2-6, are more obese than ever before. The prevalence of overweight and obesity of Italian children was almost identical to that reported in children living in the United States (32% vs. 32.7%, respectively).
  • Over 52% of Portugal's population is now overweight. Granted, that is not the 65% of the USA, but the number has increased 3% since the late 90s in Portugal.
  • Children in Greece are more overweight than ever, all because they are no longer eating according to the "Mediterranean Diet".
  • And finally, research from China shows that the indirect costs of obesity (missed work days, lower productivity) are harder on business than the actual direct costs of obesity (paying for health care).
In addition to these studies, I've read about children from Denmark to Russia, and from the Pacific Islands to Istanbul that are more obese than ever.

It is not just the USA, or North America, or traditional Western countries that are getting fatter. It is the entire world.

So no matter where you are from, if overweight is a common attribute in your family, start fighting fat by simply doing something, anything, to get moving. Pick an enjoyable activity and do it at least 3 times a week.

You don't have to be a gym rat to stay at a normal weight,


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