Friday, July 14, 2006

Workouts & Water

Fridays and Saturdays are always fun workouts (not following the TT rule of choosing the most efficient exercises - but I do stick to the supersets to get lots of work done in a short time).

Today I did some old school exercises - some you won't find in any TT manual, that's for sure (i.e. pressdowns - but these can work the torso muscles pretty hard if you go heavy with good form):

Kneeling Cable Crunches ====>
EZ Bar Curls
Triceps Pressdown
DB Incline Curls
DB Lateral Raises

That was all. Abs are sore from yesterdays Cable Chops.

Got home in time to see Michelle Wie having a heck of a time battling the sun at a PGA tournament. She probably should have quit after the first nine.

Hopefully she was staying hydrated. Since it is going to be very, very hot in North America this weekend, make sure you drink plenty of water if you are outside. And dress appropriately - no sunburns!

Big news coming for for Monday,


1 comment:

  1. yes it was very hit here in the Quad Cities where she (wie) is playing, but I'll have her know that I was out suffering through a 6 mintue workout...and then I went inside to the AC. My conditioning sucks. If it didn't suck so much I would have put her to shame.

    Chris D.
