Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday's Bodyweight Training

The last couple of days have been crazy...since my TT promo began on Monday morning, I've received close to 2500 emails. I've been doing my best to get through them...fortunately, today was a bodyweight training day, so I was able to do my bodyweight training right here in the office.

here's what I did for just two circuits:

cross crawl (20)
Sumo squat (15)
spiderman Pushup (6)
Side step (6)
waiters bow (10)
Spiderman Lunge (10) ===> pictured
1-Leg RDL (8)
Inverted Row (12)

Not the hardest circuit in the world, but as I said, things have been crazy here and i needed to get back to work.

But this does show you that you can do bodyweight almost anytime, anywhere.


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