Saturday, July 15, 2006

Truth About Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a magic word when it comes to fat loss. That's why just about every nutritional supplement and workout program claims that it will rev up your metabolism and help you burn fat.

But the truth is, there isn't any supplement that can boost your metabolism on an everyday basis.

While supplement companies like to push, push, push the idea that caffeine and Green Tea extract can boost your metabolism, I can guarantee you that nobody is losing pounds of fat because of caffeine or Green Tea extract.

And why not?

Because your body gets used to them, quickly. So they might boost your metabolism once, but they won't do much the next time you take them.

Fortunately, all exercise programs will increase your metabolism and your calorie burning power. However, some programs are much, much better than others.

In fact, research has shown that there are two specific ways to exercise that will burn more calories and more fat than all of the rest. And these two methods are rarely used by the general population.

And research has shown the exact number of repetitions per set that you should be doing if you want to increase the number of calories you burn outside of the gym.

Studies have also shown the research-proven metabolism boosting exercises that you should have in your workout.

And finally, research has shown a specific form of cardio to be superior to the popular, boring method of slow, steady cardio.

These are the exact methods that I use in my Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.

With you'll lose fat, lose inches, gain muscle, get lean, and say good-bye to your love handles forever. And you'll notice immediate changes in your energy levels and in the mirror.

"At the end of week one, I lost 3.5 pounds and I was feeling great. Yesterday was the end of week two and I lost 3 more pounds! Six and a half pounds in two weeks and I feel outstanding. Not the least bit tired or weak. I've never been so enthusiastic about each workout. I didn't bother to take a 'before' photo, but I may still do that. I would have touched base with you sooner, but with work, school, training, etc., I'm always pressed for time. And of course, that's what makes Turbulence Training such a convenient program."
Chuck Fager

Get started losing fat today with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss,


Click here for even more tips on how to increase your metabolism

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