Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Truth About Fat Loss

Today I want to cover some basics in reply to one of the over 3000 emails I received last week about Turbulence Training.

To start, here are some questions from a wonderful woman who seemed to be a bit, overwhelmed, I guess you might say, due to the never-ending barage of fat loss and fitness information that exists today.

Here we go...

Q: Do I have to eat egg whites and wheatgrass and other weird stuff to lose fat?

No, you don't have to eat either of those foods to succeed. However, you certainly have to eat a lot of vegetables and lean protein sources, but there are many options. And without exception, you have to give up fast food.

Fat loss does not come without some sacrifices. You have to give up some treats and you have to work hard during your exercise session.

Be consistent, and you'll succeed.

Q: Is raw food better or cooked food better?

You don't have to use a raw food only diet to achieve your health and fat loss goals.
Both are fine, but a completely raw food diet is not necessary. Eating high quality foods all the time is most important.

In fact, you shouldn't even worry about a raw food diet until all of the junk is out of your existing diet.

Most of us live in cities surrounded by convenience foods. So you have to work against the trends and focus on avoiding the temptations. Once you, and all beginners, have your eating plan in place, than you might consider eating more raw vegetables instead of cooked. But that is a minor point at this time.

Q: Is it necessary to "Detox" my body?

I don't think so.

For many people, it sounds like a miracle. A detox to get rid of all the toxins in your body.
But trust me, 7-days of detox does not undo 40 years of eating poorly. You have to focus on changing your lifestyle, not quick fixes.

And in my opinion, no one can EVER completely detox their body. With each breath, you take in particles besides the natural molecules found in the air. With each breath, your body is undergoing metabolism which produces many of the "waste byproducts" that a detox is supposed to "flush" from your system.

That's just the way your body works.

If you want to detox, do this long-term detox:
  • no fast food
  • no foods containing trans-fats
  • no fried meats
  • no smoking
  • eat only whole, natural foods (organic if possible)
That's a good lifestyle to follow.

Q: My family uses Weight Watchers and struggles with all the point-counting and faux foods. Do I have to do this?

I don't like the Weight Watchers system. Not enough focus on real foods, too much focus on saving points that permit junk food.

Clearly the system does work for some, but I don't think it gets people thinking positively about eating as healthy as possible.

It all seems to be focused on getting to that piece of chocolate cake that your points allow.

Q: I wanted this to be a "summer of change" for my family...but things aren't going as planned. Help?

Don't get too stressed. Summer is not over, in fact there is more than half of it left. Spend the rest of the summer, and better yet, the rest of this year and your life, focused on making healthier choices.

Forget about quick fix detoxes, Weight Watcher point counting, and your old nutrition choices, and start working 1 change per day towards a new nutrition lifestyle.

You are young, your sister is young, your mom is young, and your daughter is young. You all have long, healthy lives in front of you.

Cut out 1 bad food today, and replace it with a good food. Take out a Pop-Tart, replace it with an apple.

Q: So much conflicting information. Some say carbs are bad, others say they are okay. Some say cardio is best for fat loss, but you say it isn't. What is the truth?

Yes, there is a lot of conflicting info, but that's the same way every industry is...

No one can argue this...

Eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Avoid junk food.

To start getting healthy and losing weight, simply pick an activity you like do and do that three times per week. This will allow you to burn calories while having fun. Start easy in the first two weeks, to give your muscles time to adapt to the demands. That might mean only doing 10 minutes per day in the first week, then 20 minutes in the second week.

Do a structured strength training workout twice per week for 20-30 minutes per session. Get professional help to design your program. That is all you need to take care of your body and improve your ability to do daily activities. To really change your body, you probably need more strength training.

If you want the most results in the least amount of time, use Turbulence Training.

So start today by focusing on making 1 improvement in both your nutrition and fitness.

No soda at lunch today.

No chips in the grocery cart tomorrow.

Get up and do something for 10 minutes today.

Consistency is the key, and you'll have a long, healthy life to live,


P.S. Upcoming Member Updates...
In the first weeks of August, I'll be updating the Member's section with a nutrition update from a Guest Author, a supplement e-book from a Guest Author, and a new Mass gaining workout from CB.

Check out the TT Member's section today...and don't forget, previous customers get at least $100 off your Member's upgrade.

Email me for your discount link...

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