Sunday, July 30, 2006


I'm not going to ramble on too much about supplements, and all the whacky behind the scenes stuff that goes on in determining the often over-inflated prices and questionable products on the shelves, but I do have one thing to say about your supplement use...

But first, if you are interested in all the nitty gritty details about which supplements work, as well as some shocking secrets about supplement quality, visit the Supplement Insider's website here:

Now onto my tip for you:

IF you are going to use supplements for muscle growth or fat loss, use ONLY one at a time.

That is the only way that you will be able to determine whether or not the supplement worked for you.

You can't take 4 different supplements at the same time and then conclude that only 1 of them worked. How can you tell? You can't.

So if you really want to figure things out, you can only change one variable at a time.

Granted, I still think you'll be lucky to find even one supplement that works.

Supplements are no replacement for hard work (pictured),


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