Friday, July 21, 2006

Some Good Reading - Cosgrove on Fat Loss

Another interview from the archives at CBAthletics...this time, an interview with Alwyn Cosgrove...

Take these words to heart and apply them to your body comp goals...this approach could make or break your success:

AC says:
The single most important part of the process is goal setting. They need to really want to get amazing results and be prepared to do whatever I ask to get them. It's not that hard to get the results -- it's building that overwhelming desire that counts.Most people think -- "Well - this cake won't hurt me will it?" I get my clients to think, "Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?" Once you get that -- you're a hit. After that -- it's reverse goal setting as I'm sure you know a lot about, and at that point I do a full functional screen to assess any weak areas that may need special attention.

Remember that: Everything you do takes your closer to OR farther away from your goals.
  • If you choose to really stress about something in your life, the stress could impair your fat loss.
  • If you choose a beer instead of water or unsweetened ice tea after you mow the lawn, you know the consequences.
  • If you choose to sleep through breakfast, then grab a quick glass of orange juice before you head out for Saturday errands, you'll be hungry, tired, and fatigued all day.
The choices are up to you, just know the consequences,


P.S. Get more info from Alwyn here...

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