Monday, July 10, 2006

New Member's Update

Alwyn Cosgrove just released an e-book featuring interviews with many strength coaches, myself included. And he's allowed me to sell this book and to post it in my Member's if you are a member, check it out.

It has interviews with Jason Ferrugia, Zach Even-Esh, Bill Hartman, Lyle McDonald, Chris Shugart, Lori Incledon, Mike Boyle, etc.

21 total interviews.

If you are not a TT member, this e-book is available for $29.99.

Click here to get the e-book if you are not a member

But again, free if you are a TT Member.

(And don't forget, if you've purchased a TT product in the past, you get a big discount on membership - just email me for details).

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