Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mile; Part 7

Today I decided to see if I could run the mile in under 6 minutes on the treadmill.




Could have pushed for a few seconds less, but this is a good start.

Remember though, running on the treadmill is easier than running I can't be too proud of myself, but it is decent for not having done any formal running or endurance training in literally years.

It seems I have retained a huge percentage of the fitness I had in my early 20's thanks to hard strength training workouts.

Being strong helps runners. I can just feel it with each stride...and remember, I'm powering over 190 pounds with each stride. I'm not a 145 pound marathoner.

So to all the runners out there, get strong in the back of your body (posterior chain) and your times will go lower!

A good exercise to start with? Back extensions with the ball (pictured).


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