Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Jersey Shore Fat Loss

If you want to stand out on the Jersey shore in the summertime, then you have to have the abs.

My buddy, Jason Ferrugia (pictured), has been making his living helping men and women lose fat, build muscle, and get lean for the summer.

So I picked Jason's brain for some of his advanced "Jersey" fat loss tips.

And even if you don't plan on competing in any hot body contests this summer, Jason's tips can help you bust through your fat loss plateaus and fit into a swimsuit from a time years ago when you were much leaner (hopefully the suit is still in style!).

First up, I asked Jason what he thought about post-workout carbohydrates in a post-workout drink. Do we need to focus on carbohydrates after workouts when we are trying to lose fat?

Jason says...
It depends. If its an athlete or body builder type that needs to maintain muscle mass or even try gaining it while simultaneously losing fat I usually like protein powder and maltodextrin.

If they have trouble getting or stayin lean, we will go with powdered sweet potatoes as the carb source in the shake.

Now if they you are the average person that simply needs to lose fat, I will just have them eat a regular, healthy meal after training or if they have to have a shake due to time or schedule issues it will be protein mixed with berries.

With the other 2 cases above as well I like to have them get the fruit in there too. Even though your ability to store carbs blah, blah, blah is higher after a workout that doesn't mean that pouring sugar into your post-workout shake won't make you fat.

That's why I prefer other sources than glucose and dextrose and all that junk.

So you still have to choose your sources carefully.

CB: Good stuff. What about the timing? When should we be eating after training?

J says...
If you are training for fat loss you should be finishing up each weight training workout with some circuits or intervals. Those can be rather nauseating and sometimes it's tough to choke anything down immediately afterwards any way.

I usually recommend waiting 20-30 minutes after finishing up with your intervals before drinking a shake or eating a meal.

Of course we want to prevent muscle loss when dieting but I really don't believe that catabolism sets in immediately after training and that you will be worse for ware if you do not have a shake shortly after training. You could actually wait an hour and still be fine.

CB: Thanks J. What are some interval training substitutions are you using to burn fat fast for your clients?

J says...
Here's one post workout circuit.
  • Db swing
  • Db split squat
  • Seated side med ball throw
Do 20 reps on each. Do all reps on right side first on each exercise then rest briefly and do all reps on left side . Do 3 or 4 sets.

Do this after your heavier strength training. That way you get the metabolism benefits of the strength work and the interval-like circuits at the end of the workout.

Jason has more great muscle-building, fat-burning, athlete-training workouts at


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