Saturday, July 22, 2006

Intervals - Beginner or Advanced?

Here's something I read in another newsletter that I completely disagree with:

"Interval training is exercising at a high intensity for a short period of time followed by a longer duration of lower intensity exercise. It is beneficial for people with less time availability, but should only be recommended for those already at a high level of fitness."
(italics mine)

I use interval training with every level of fitness.

For a beginner, if you can only walk at 3.5mph on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then your intervals would be done at 3.7 or 3.8pmh for 1-2 minutes. Then go back down to 3.3mph.

That is an interval.

An interval is not only sprinting at full speed up a hill.

So not all intervals have to be "high-intensity interval training" - also known as HIIT. One of the many terms in the fitness industry that should be banned for overuse, along with:

  • clean eating
  • periodization
  • hGH
  • overtraining
  • catabolic

among others.

Keep it simple,


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