Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday, July 7
Why Should You Increase Your Cholesterol?

Not a day goes by that you don't hear about the importance of lowering your cholesterol. But what you didn't know is that you should actually try to raise your HDL - your good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol because a high level of it seems to protect against heart attack. (Low HDL cholesterol levels [less than 40 mg/dL] increase the risk for heart disease.)

In a study performed at the Indiana School of Medicine and published in the American Heart Journal, researchers found that men with higher HDL levels had a lower risk of heart problems. More specifically, they found that if you can increase your HDL levels by 10mg/dL than you should be able to reduce your risk of heart disease by 10%. So next time you visit your doctor, make sure to have your HDL levels checked and inquire about what you can do to improve your cholesterol.

Here are some ways to increase your HDL cholesterol levels:

  • Lose weight
  • Exercise (with aerobic training or interval training)
  • Eat more monounsaturated fats (such as natural peanut butter and olive oil)
  • Eliminate all the trans-fats from your diet
  • Eat more soluble fiber (from fruits, vegetables, oats, and legumes)
  • Stop smoking

Get healthy, stay healthy,


P.S. Help your friends out...

By sending them to the newsletter here.

Thursday, July 6

Sports for Fat Loss?

Lots of you are playing sports and wonder how does this fit into your fat loss schedule.
Can you replace interval training with a sport?

Absolutely - assuming of course you are talking about a sport that requires high-intensity sprints (such as soccer, basketball, rugby, hockey, or Ultimate Frisbee).

Sports such as golf should be kept to your day off (you can also perform the sports listed above on your day off as well).

Sports can be a big help to your fat loss program.


Sports can ruin your fat loss program if you follow them up with 3 pints of beer and 2 pounds of wings. Take a look around the dressing room after next game.

Even while everyone's shirt is soaked with sweat, some people are lean and others remain overweight. Despite giving the same effort on the field, those that don't eat right will get fat. Playing sports and working out hard don't make you immune to the side effects of a junk diet.

Now let's turn our attention to kids. Sports and other unstructured physical activities are essential for children. Research has shown that kids who regularly participate in at least 3 h per week of sports activities won't get fat, while kids that avoid physical activity have a greater tendency to become overweight.

Sports also help kids develop more muscle mass and stronger bones. Both of these are important to overall health for the rest of their lives.

Another study from the International Journal of Obesity identified the following factors associated with overweight kids:

  • Parental obesity
  • Low parental educational level
  • Low total family income
  • Long hours of TV watching
  • Playing videogames or computer utilization
  • Absence of breastfeeding
  • Physical inactivity

Now personally, I grew up with some friends that met most of those conditions above, but my friends were not overweight.

Why not? Because while they watched a lot of TV, played a lot of vids, and didn't have a Cosby-show family background, my friends played a lot of sports in and out of school. Heck, we probably played sports at least an hour everyday.

So for young kids, physical activity can trump almost every "obesity-causing" effect...
EXCEPT...maybe for the nutrition problems that exist today.

While it wasn't hard for us to get jumbo sodas at 7-11, we just didn't seem to buy those as much as kids do today.

So keep an eye on your kids nutrition...and...

I encourage you and your family to be as active as possible,

P.S. But what if you don't have time?
If you have 30-45 minutes, three times per can still lose fat and gain muscle with Turbulence Training.

"What an outstanding fat loss and lean muscle building program. If you truly want a no fluff program that is a true education in getting lean then the "Turbulence Training" program is the one. I found my self continually going back to read more of the same section because it is such great information. The thing that most people want to know that I deal with is what to eat, why to eat it, and how to get started. Turbulence Training leaves no doubt as to what you need to do in every aspect of your fat loss lean muscle program. This program is going to change a lot live for the better"
Lee Taft Director of Sports Performance

Click here to get started with your Turbulence Training workout - including TT for Athletes

"These bodyweight exercises are GREAT for travelling as well. No more excuses not to work out to stay in shape during vacations, especially to places where free weights are not readily available. Thanks!"
Elle Donato

"I want to thank you for your unrelenting email messages highlighting the importance of training smart, eating well and working towards a purpose. After buying one of your products, then another, and finally wising up and becoming a TT Member, I have never felt better or leaner. I never had the gains I've obtained using your workout programs by doing the typical gym routine. I'm more in tune to my body than ever before. I've always been on the "leaner" side, but now realize that I was just a "skinny fat" person. My lbm was much higher than what it should have been given that I was not really heavy. In the past year, I have dropped 10 pounds, but more importantly, I have gone from around 22% lbm to close to 18% lbm - all at the age of 46. I attended my son's graduation from Texas A&M a couple of weeks ago. I was blown away when I was asked by a young gentleman if I was my son's sister. When I told him I was his mother, the look on his face was priceless. Anyone can better their physique and health by committing to your fantastic workout programs and cleaning up poor eating habits. I highly recommend to anyone to try one of your workout programs and becoming a TT Member. Membership has perks - access to everything you've ever created. What a goldmine!"
Dawn Carter

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