Monday, July 31, 2006

Extreme Cardio

It's amazing the lengths that people will go to, or worse, think they have to go to in order to lose fat.

And some people end up taking their fat loss activities to extremes. Making unhealthy, ineffective, and excessive choices.

For example, one reader emailed me about the 7 hours of cardio she did per week. She wondered why she wasn't losing ANY fat. That is an extreme amount of slow and steady cardio.

Something I would never advise for a fat loss program.

Another reader wrote in about the pitfalls of her excessively low calorie diet...

"I'm on the weight loss track again. I found I wasn't eating enough calories (1000 kcal/day). Filling up on veggies is good (and I love them), but they don't have the calories. Eating walnuts/almonds helped get me there. Eating 1500+ is where I need to stay to lose weight and keep my energy up. I've dropped about 3 pounds this week."
Holly G.

Inside most people, there is going to be the urge to do more, eat less, or obsess even further about food and exercise when you are trying to reach a fitness or fat loss goal.

But taking eating and working out to the extremes is more often counterproductive, and in the long-run, downright unhealthy.

And the unfortunate thing is that the reader that emailed me about her 7 hours of ineffective aerobic training, was skeptical of Turbulence Training, because she didn't think it contained enough cardio.

But really, how much could be enough for this woman? 7 hours wasn't getting her any results.

What did she want? 10 hours?

We need to understand that cardio is not the be-all and end-all of fat loss programs. There are many ways to burn fat and calories, not just by spending 60 minutes on an elliptical machine.

Here's female fat loss done right...

"Craig, my husband has been a client of yours for almost 2 years and during that time he has been encouraging me to follow some of your workouts. I am a 44 year old mother of 3 children, so the time I have available for exercise is limited.

I decided to give one of your workouts a try and I was amazed with the results. I lost a lot of bodyfat and added a lot of lean muscle, in only 8 weeks! Most important, I actually developed a 6 pack, something I thought I could never achieve.

I am not sure how I accomplished so much since my workouts are only 3 days a week and I spend only 3 hours total time, including core for an entire week. I feel stronger than I ever have and I am in the best shape of my life.

I transitioned over to the TT for Women workout and the progress continues. It is hard to believe that such a simple workout that requires such little time can have so many results. I did not expect these results at my age.

It amazes me that I will be 45 in June with 3 kids and I am 5'4" weighing 114 lbs (lean) now.

I wanted to send you a few photos to show you the "after" results. These pictures show the progress after a total of 12 weeks on your programs. I do not have any "before" pictures, but I can assure you they did not look like this. Thanks for everything!"
Annabelle L Ridgefield,CT

See her photos at the bottom of this page

If you want to try female fat loss the right way, I have just the workout for you...and at a low, low cost.

I created a 4-week Turbulence Training for Women program to get you started, and hooked, on losing fat the right way.

Click here to get started

No worries about bulking up with this workout,


P.S. This offer is only available till Wednesday at 9pm...
Then the price goes up. It is only $10 until August 2nd, at 9pm. After that, it is $15.
Click here to get started

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