Saturday, July 29, 2006

Check these out...

There are a lot of people doing a lot of wonderful things to help you reach your fitness and fat loss goals...

Today, I want to let you know about other sites, seminars, and sign-ups that will accelerate your progress as well as educated and entertain you.

1) Muscle Myths: Exposing the Supplement Industry

My friend Brad Pilon is writing an e-book on the Supplement Industry, and I recommend signing up for his informative newsletter here

When you order his e-book in September, you'll also get a free copy of my latest Mass-building 8-week workout.

There will only be 2 ways you can get that all-new Mass-building workout & Muscle Myths supplement book (but this package won't even cost 20 bucks):

a) By being a Turbulence Training Member.

b) By ordering a copy of Brad's ebook.

Sign-up for his updates and you'll be alerted when his book, "Muscle Myths", and my next monthly mass workout, is ready.

Click here for the sign-up form.

2) September Strength Seminar in Sunny California

This seminar will feature John Berardi, Alwyn Cosgrove, Eric Cressey and others, on September 16-17th, 2006.

Visit this site for more info:

3) Amazing Abs, Amazing Articles

Fitness, fat loss, & bodybuilding expert Tom Venuto runs

The latest issue of his online magazine features articles on:
Lower ab training
Post-workout nutrition
And some of Zach Even-Esh's power ab movements.
Check out this site.

4) Female Fat Loss Success Stories
As I mentioned yesterday, I downloaded a recent Rachel Cosgrove fat loss presentation and I was extremely impressed by the success stories.

You can download Rachel's presentations and other presentations from the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2006 meeting HERE


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