Monday, July 17, 2006


It's the official launch of to the world. Hundreds of people are going to join you and start the Turbulence Training lifestyle this week.

And if you haven't picked up the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package yet, then here's a little incentive.

I've hounded two of the Internet's top fitness gurus, Tom Venuto & Christian Finn to help me out and make the already incredible Turbulence Training package even more helpful.

After a little arm-twisting, both Tom and Christian agreed to reveal their most in-demand, full-to-the-brim of fat loss information, one-of-a-kind reports.

First, let's take a look at what the legendary Tom Venuto agreed to tell you:

If you don't know who Tom Venuto is, then you are missing out on the most honest, from the trenches, scientifically supported fat-burning and ab sculpting information ever revealed in the fitness world. And in his special report, you'll go behind the scenes with the honest fat loss guru to learn everything you can about finally getting a set of 6-pack abs. He'll tell which supplements are downright rip-offs, as well as give you the experience-proven, time-tested approach to training your abs for both men and women.

And here's what Christian provided:

Christian Finn is known all around the world for his blend of science and practical information in his newsletters and on his website.

His report shows you how to naturally and effectively boost your testosterone. You know that testosterone is one of the keys to building muscle and losing body fat, but unfortunately your ability to harness the power of testosterone decreases with age. This report will solve a common problem among men looking to lose fat. As such, it's an incredible bonus to add to this package.
So thanks to these fat loss gurus, you'll get both reports to help crank up your fat loss. But wait, that's not all. You'll also get my 2 latest monthly workouts:

Bonus #3) 4-Week Advanced Turbulence Training Fat Loss Program
My latest 4-Week Fat Loss Turbulence Training Workout might be his most effective, advanced fat loss program ever. So advanced that it might not be suitable for mass consumption. This is the workout that will help even the most veteran fat loss client burst through stubborn body fat like never before. It will hurt so good and help so much.

"I found that with Craig's Advanced Fat Loss Workout I was able to take my workouts to a new level. Along with fat loss I found myself to be quicker on the basketball court and feeling rejuvenated and motivated every morning. For maximum fat loss Craig's Advanced Fat loss program is the only way to go. Not only will you lose fat, but you will enjoy the process of doing it too." Kevin Larrabee

Bonus #4) Summertime Bodyweight Turbulence Training Bonus
Men and women everywhere need to get more results in less time. And in some cases, these men and women don't even have time to get to the gym! That is just one reason why bodyweight workouts are so important to busy, on-the-go people that are looking to lose fat. This 2-stage workout bonus has programs for both beginners and advanced levels, so that all of you will find a bodyweight-only workout that will help them lose fat and gain muscle in minimum time. Perfect for the summer when you can?t always get to the gym (or just want to workout outside in the beautiful weather).

So those are the four TIME-LIMITED bonuses that I'm offering for only 72 hours, starting today, Monday, July 17th.

ALL of these, PLUS the regular TT for Fat Loss goodies, including the 1-hour audio interview, if you order Turbulence Training before Wednesday, July 19th at midnight.

"I went from 227lbs to 209lbs in 8 weeks using the TT program. I figure fat loss was even higher because as I definitely gained muscle in the process. The program simply put...WORKS"Dion Guerin

"I love your workout routines. The best part is, for me, is that I can do them at home using what I have in my home gym. What impresses me most about what I've learned is just how much I "thought" I knew about exercise and nutrition. My whole mode of thinking has changed and I'm finally breaking through that brick wall, slowly but surely. You have been a tremendous inspiration for me. Thank you for all the great routines you've created to keep people like me from getting bored and stuck in the same old patterns of working out." Dawn Carter

Head over to and get started today.

The clock is ticking,


P.S. This offer ends at midnight on Wednesday - no exceptions. So visit immediately.

P.P.S. To all previous customers...
If you've purchased the TT for Fat Loss package or you are a TT Member, then you should have already received an email giving you access to a download page for the new bonuses.

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