Sunday, July 23, 2006

7-Day Guide: Success Tips

The difference between those that succeed fast and those that take a long time to succeed (if they do so at all) is a structured plan.

A structured plan will get you places faster. Whether you are driving across the country on holiday, or trying to lose 5 pounds of fat while gaining 5 pounds of muscle, a plan will get you their quicker.

So what's your plan?

If you don't have one, let me help. We'll start with your 7-day guide to success...

TT workout. In this workout, double the rest time between exercises in your first superset only.
This will allow you to recover more and perform more reps for each exercise. This extra rest is most beneficial for strength. And down the road, every little bit of strength will help you get results faster.

30 minutes of activity. Last week, you reviewed your supplements. This week, learn more about supplements from "The Muscle Insider" here:

TT workout. Use bodyweight intervals today. Simply choose 4 relatively easy bodyweight exercises (2 upper and 2 lower), and alternate the upper and lower body exercises in a circuit. Do 10-15 reps per exercise, rest 30 seconds, then repeat up to 4 times.

30 minutes of activity. If you want a little more guidance or even a goal for your non TT workout days, why not try to improve your mile. Check out Men's Health editor Adam Campbell's Mile blog here:

TT workout. At the end of your workout, add your favorite exercise done for 3 sets of 8. Remember, TT workouts should also be fun, not just effective.

30 minutes of activity, check in with your social support group. If you haven't checked in with one of the professionals in your support group in over 6 months (i.e. doctor, nutritionist, or trainer), make an appointment with one for as soon as possible.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

If you haven't done so already, check out the post "How to Save on Groceries" here.

Eat, drink and be healthy,


P.S. TT Members get more

If you want more TT workouts, TT for Women, TT for athletes, or even more TT for Mass, as well as my other female specific e-books, make sure you check out the TT Membership area here. Previous customers get $100 off the regular price.

"I want to thank you for your unrelenting email messages highlighting the importance of training smart, eating well and working towards a purpose. After buying one of your products, then another, and finally wising up and becoming a TT Member, I have never felt better or leaner. I never had the gains I've obtained using your workout programs by doing the typical gym routine. I'm more in tune to my body than ever before. I've always been on the "leaner" side, but now realize that I was just a "skinny fat" person. My lbm was much higher than what it should have been given that I was not really heavy. In the past year, I have dropped 10 pounds, but more importantly, I have gone from around 22% lbm to close to 18% lbm - all at the age of 46. I attended my son's graduation from Texas A&M a couple of weeks ago. I was blown away when I was asked by a young gentleman if I was my son's sister. When I told him I was his mother, the look on his face was priceless. Anyone can better their physique and health by committing to your fantastic workout programs and cleaning up poor eating habits. I highly recommend to anyone to try one of your workout programs and becoming a TT Member. Membership has perks - access to everything you've ever created. What a goldmine!"
Dawn Carter

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