Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pushups and Groin Sadness

Yesterday was a pushup day (200 reps in a bunch of sets, with 43 strict in the first set).

Today was going to be a leg day but my groin is irritated, so I did:

1A) 1-Arm KB Press
1B) KB Swing

2A) Pullups
2B) Ab Wheel (since lunges didn't feel great)

3A) 1-Leg Hip Extension
3B) TRX Triceps Extension

Tomorrow I'll try some lower body, hamstring-dominant moves at Fit Athletic in San Diego. I'm going down there to coach my new Work-Life Mastery program (advanced version of my Perfect Life Workshop system). It's the next evolution in my new business. Lots of fun, great people.

Hope to see you at one of my events this year!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You're the CEO of your life, so fire and replace anyone who is not a good fit. Take full control over your headspace and limit the people who you allow to influence you. Distance yourself from people who are downers, damaging, and downright bad for you. Eliminate all known sources of stress, anxiety, and depression." – Bedros Keuilian

Work through the dips. Celebrate the success. Never quit. Do you agree?

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