Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Proactive Approach

While my workouts are shorter these days, they are also more frequent. Today I did another lower body workout in the garage gym after a morning of heavy writing.

1A) KB Squats
1B) Ball Curl

2A) KB Lunge

3A) Ball Plank
3B) Hammer Curl

The three weeks off from good lifting in Europe have really revved me up to do the more frequent workouts, and even some bodybuilding exercises. Just feels good. Lesson learned: Don't go on a barbell and dumbbell diet!

I need to be more PRO-active and plan workouts when I'm gone ... especially next year because I'm going on a safari in Africa with Joel followed with my annual trip to Europe (July-August 2018). So I'll be looking for good gyms in Cape Town and Jo'burg.

By the way, PRO-active is the best way to live.

You see, there are two types of people in life.

First, there are REACTIVE people that try to find time for what matters.

Second, there are PROACTIVE people that make time for the important matters.

It is the former that struggle, and the latter that succeed.

The difference comes down to two words. One person tries to find time, while the other makes time.

You can't find time! It's not hidden under your bed with Ab Rocker, collecting dust.

You have to make time for your priorities in life. One of the easiest ways to make more time is to get up early.

Success comes from what you do with your time, how you structure your day, the routines you create, and how you block the temptations and obstacles that try to get in your way. <= Ultimate Daily Preparation

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Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
To create new habits, you must internalize the benefits of your actions.

Don't meditate because it is good for you. Meditate because it feels good. Don't have difficult discussions out of obligation. Do so because you enjoy how the challenge makes you grow. Don't exercise for health. Do so because it makes you feel great and gives you energy.

Do your work because of what it helps you become.

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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