Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Way Back Gym and Europe Photo

Argh, today I skipped the barbell squat session I had planned, and because I was very busy with work I was back in the garage gym. Good times, still, but it's a way back workout to minimal equipment.

1A) KB Double Front Squat
1B) KB Swing

2A) KB Reverse Lunge
2B) Stability Ball Leg Curl

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip

If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk. Because if you don't, you'll suffer from more stress and less success. To succeed, You must align your actions with your goals.✅

That starts with understanding your values and knowing what really matters in life.

1. Fill out the values pyramid.

2. Prioritize your goals with what matters.

3. Align your actions with your goals.

4. Be congruent and walk your walk.

5. Get faster results with less stress for more success. 💥❤️🙏

(These sheets are part of my Perfect Life Workshop, not available anywhere else, sorry!)

#perfectdayformula #entrepreneur #values #goalsetting #success Watch this video

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Way Back Wednesday

Jumping at the Louvre in Paris - 2009

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