Monday, July 03, 2017

Walking and Sleeping and Eating in Budapest

Wow, I slept in. It was a combo of the jet lag, 12 miles of walking per day, and only 6 hours of sleep from the past 3 nights.

Last night I went to bed at 10pm and I woke up at 7:30. It's rare that I sleep more than 8 hours, let alone 9.5.

After a quick breakfast we did another big walk (total of 12 miles in 6 hours), stopping for a bodyweight workout and a big lunch of Mangalica pork, a Hungarian specialty.

Today's Workout:

1A) Pullups
1B) Dips
1C) Bodyweight Rows

Tonight, one more dinner in Budapest. Tomorrow I fly to Vilnius for a couple of days before driving a couple of hours past Trakai Castle in Lithuania to the 8th Annual event.

It's going to be an amazing time. This year our attendees include millennial tech entrepreneurs, a Ph.D. in neurosciene, medical doctors, internet marketers, Amazon experts, German bankers living in Bhutan, and so much more. I'll teach them a mini-Perfect Life Workshop and also put them through some Perfect Bodyweight Workouts.

Until then, enjoy your July holiday... whether it's Canada Day, Independence Day, or another "Happy Monday."

Listen to this story of the American Dream achieved through ACTION.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Your freedom is won in the morning. Get up 15 minutes early to work on your #1 priority in life and take control of your future. Do NOT procrastinate. Do NOT get distracted. Do NOT let anything stand in your way.  Quit talking. Start doing. Life rewards action." - Craig Code #3

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