Thursday, July 27, 2017

Toronto Trip for Workshop and Dinner

Today's a travel day (automobile only) to Toronto. Tomorrow I have my next Perfect Life Workshop, and tonight I'm hitting a new steak joint in the city.

Workouts will be easy until Sunday morning when I deadlift again at the YMCA in Stratford.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"What would you tell & teach the world if you faced no judgement?" <= That's what you need to write & speak about.

Get a coach. Be a coach. Ask for help. Lift others up. Mentoring & accountability, given and received, is an essential component of success.

Do something awesome today,


PS - Don't miss these be Empire shows!

"These guys are animals. They're total machines Absolutely RELENTLESS💪 . We see them everywhere, all the time. Everyone always asks me, "Hey have you heard of these guys?" And I say, "Yeah, of course, I saw them on TV, heard them on the radio, listened to their podcasts, read about them in magazines...So what's their secret to building their empires?" ... They reveal everything on their Empire podcast.

New episode is up here =>

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