Friday, July 14, 2017

Octopus Powered Deadlifting

It's been a great week in Lisbon, with another 36 hours to go.

Yesterday was the beaches, more octopus, and then an early night.

Today was a deadlift workout at Academia gym down near the water, followed with more octopus for lunch, then a couple of hours planning world domination at a cafe on the water.

The workout went like this:

1) Hang Clean
2) Deadlift
3) Box Jump

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Review your week objectively by "watching the movie of your life."

See yourself as the main character, and judge the decisions you made.

What did you do right?

Where did you struggle with bad habits?

Who did you spend time with?

Are these the right people for your right life?

Where did you waste time?

What were your obstacles and temptations?

How can you overcome them?

Observe, learn, plan and prepare.

Do more of what works and less of what doesn't.

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Great podcast for you...


Find out why the "Hustle & Grind" mindset is wrong, wrong, wrong... and why you need to focus on putting more structure into your life and focus on scale in your business. These are the two KEYS to success.

Listen on iTunes here:

Watch on YouTube here:

#entrepreneur #podcast

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