Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Morning Motivation and Garage Gym Workout Planning

Today I'm switching it up and posting before my training session because I wanted to share a few early morning tips.

The first one is my classic...

Mood Improvement Checklist:
  • 1) Start each day with a One Minute Meditation (4-second inhale, 6-second exhale, 6 times)
  • 2) Read one page from The Art of Living (lessons from Epictetus)
  • 3) Walk outside for 20 minutes
  • 4) Hug the loved ones in your life and tell them you love them
  • 5) Write in your gratitude journal
  • 6) Take a photo with your kids every day
  • 7) Reach out to a different friend each night.
This is a section from my upcoming book, "Overcoming the Black Box of Anxiety", and also something that I use daily.

I've already done the first few steps, and next up is my workout... It'll likely be a lower body session in the garage gym of jumps, split squats, and reverse lunges. I just don't have time to get to the YMCA for barbell squats.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"First thing to do every morning is read or listen to something positive. Your mind is like a garden - whatever you plant grows. Plant good stuff." - Alwyn Cosgrove

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Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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