Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Lisbon Lifting

Yesterday was full of airports and airplanes, naps during take-off, frustrating Uber rides, and a bus & baggage delay, but eventually we made it from Lithuania to Lisbon.

Going back "in time" 2 hours saved us, and starting the night on Portuguese time also helped me sneak in a 20-minute training session.

1A) 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press
1B) Mobility

2A) Chest Press
2B) Iron Cross

Then it was off to a roof top patio (pic below) and eventually a food hall for a dinner of cod, shrimp, and vegetables smothered in olive oil. Delicious.

(Lots more pictures on Instagram, too.)

I woke up too early today, but I'll do a quick workout before we head to some beaches.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Set 1 long-term outcome goal and 3 short-term process goals to get you there. Spend 5 minutes visualizing yourself reaching your goals. Keep a positive attitude and you will remain motivated and you will continue to make progress.

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS -

3-C Formula living creates opportunities like this to live an amazing life on your own terms.
1) Control what you can.
2) Cope with what you can't.
3) Concentrate on what counts.
At the end of your life, all that will matter are people and experiences, not money or stuff.
#perfectdayformula #success #entrepreneur #focus #goodlife

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