Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Back on the Farm Workout

Back home on the farm with Bally the Dog and looking forward to a few weeks away from airports. My trip to Europe was amazing, and while my workouts suffered a little, I'm not that far off track. It was also good for a little recovery.


Today it was back into the garage gym.


1A) DB Chest Press - 6x10

1B) DB Row - 4x12


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Everything you do sets you up for success or puts an obstacle in your way. Choose actions consistent with the image you've committed to. So...


"Take full control of, and responsibility for, your conscious mind and every aspect of your life." - Kekich Credo #30

Also, don't miss this podcast:



"Great quote from Craig Ballantyne. Every time something is hard it's an opportunity to grow into a better version of you. Keep fear out of your decision making. I just texted a friend and said it's amazing how ridged thinking and fear will kill future abundance." - Shanda Sumpter

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