Friday, May 13, 2016

Vegas Food and Fun Workout

Great workout today.

It was powered by a big steak dinner last night. I had a not-super-impressive Kobe steak at Jean Georges in the Aria. It was REAL Kobe beef, too, from the Kobe prefecture in Japan.

But it wasn't the best waygu steak I've had.

I even sent the first one back. The 2nd one was slightly better, but still not worth it. I was very confused.

But we had an amazing time!

My dinner was steak, baked potato, spinach, and olive oil (for the potato). I also had a couple of Black Russians.

My dinner guests included Bedros Keuilian, Tyler Bramlett and his wife, the team from Fit Body Bootcamp, and best-selling author, Shawn Stevenson (author of Sleep Smarter =>

I don't have any photos yet, but watch for them soon!

After dinner I went for a walk and then still was asleep before 10. I had a decent night's sleep and then hit the gym for this "bridge workout" to stay strong until I can get back to deadlifting on Monday morning.

1A) Pullups
1B) DB Chest Press
1C) BB Split Squat

2A) Dips
2B) Leg Curls
2C) Rows

Good times. Tonight we're taking 50 personal trainers out to dinner at Mastro's in the Crystal Shops. One of our favorite restaurants.

And yesterday we had a great lunch at a new restaurant in Aria. It's called Herringbone, and I had a kale salad and really great piece of salmon.

The night before that we went to a small sushi joint for sashimi and bok choy. It's a little place called The Grand Wok in MGM.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If it’s in your house, you’re going to eat it. Junk in the house = You and I eating the junk. Period. (And YES, that includes ME.) So get it out of the house. By the way, it is called “junk food” for a reason…because it belongs in the garbage. Don’t feel bad for tossing it…because it doesn’t belong in your body. Stay strong this weekend. You CAN do it. I believe in you!

Believe in yourself,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - A classic...

 "To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done." – #truth

Watch for some funny photos soon!

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