Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Upper Body Meathead and Metabolic Kickstarter Success Stories

CASS-Free boring Tuesday in the books. Today's different. I had some caffeine while writing and it helped me get a lot done. I followed that up with a great upper body hotel meathead workout. Now for my last work day in Denver before heading home to Toronto.

I have another big event planned for Saturday and can't wait to share some photos of the world's top nutritionists at a special CB Christmas gathering.

But first, today's workout:

1A) Neutral-Grip Pause Chin-up (1-1-1-1)
1B) 1-Arm DB Arnold Press

2B) Close-Grip Pause Pushup (1-1-1-1)

That was it. Five sets of each. Good times.

And here's the feedback of the week about my Metabolic Kickstarter program...what an incredible story.

“I started doing the Metabolic Kick-Starter work outs quite by accident. I hadn't checked my emails in a while and saw I'd been receiving the daily work out videos. I think by the time I discovered them it was already into week 3. So I purchased MKS and followed along religiously. I think I've done the entire program 4 or 5 times since it’s so easy to follow and you really do see results. That was almost 8 months ago. I had some measurements done at the gym back in July. I was weighing in at 109 kg, yet thanks to the videos my body shape was looking really good. My thighs were a healthy 68cm, waist 107 cm. I entered into a 12-week weight loss challenge at work that ended early November, and found that I also needed to eat properly to get good results. (I'm in New Zealand, and good food isn't the most affordable here) so we made do with what we could. I was doing the challenge with my husband and that made things so much easier. I was going to the gym, I was doing my work outs in the morning. We were even interviewed by our local newspaper and had the story go online with a video! The funny thing was though, the gym jumped on board with our newspaper story via their Facebook page saying results can be gained at the gym. I thought "yeah, but...I got my results from the workouts I did at home with Craig and Missi and Marie." :) I was still doing my morning work outs and had also purchased the 6 Minutes to Skinny – which I've just started again – by the end of the weight loss challenge. At the start of the challenge in August I weighed 110.9 kg. After 12 weeks, lots of exercise and some adjustments to my eating, I weighed in at 90.4kg. I was absolutely stoked. I'm a Pacific Island 41 year old mother of 2 teenagers, and haven't felt so good since my early 20's. Thank you for turning up in my life when you did. Because of your videos and your encouragement through your post-scripts in your emails I feel and know that there are only minor set backs and that are easily overcome. I'm now just trying to maintain but hopefully get below the 90kg mark, and will spread the word of your easy workouts. These days when you say a certain food or exercise isn't good for you I'll tell my husband and he'll ask, "who told you that?", and I'll reply "My friend Craig Ballantyne." ;) Since my measurements in July I've lost a total of 8cm around my thighs thanks to all the squats and lunges I've had to do! A total of 52cm from my body lost since then. I love to do push ups that I could never do before. I hated mountain climbers but love those too now. Thank you again all the way from New Zealand :) You're a real inspiration. PS – Today is my son’s birthday. A minor set back of pizza, chips (or fries), ice cream and pavlova occurred tonight. I know I can work it off. I think my metabolism has gone into top gear as I'm still feeling and looking awesome!” – Barbara Ah Kuoi

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You are the type of person who takes action……Doesn't complain, finds a way to get it done, and never gives up, right? The answer is yes, you are. Remember that during the tough times today.

Remember to push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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